The company Budejovicka drevozpracujici tovarna s.r.o. was founded in 1996. One of its many activities was the construction of single purpose machines for the manufacturing of wooden pencils. Within a few years, the company had developed and produced many dozens of special machines for pencil production. Later on, in addition, we began to engineer machines for the production of paint brushes. In 2005 it was decided that the part of the company responsible for constructing single purpose machines would become independent and that is how HS Maschinenbau s.r.o. came into existence. The staffs of this company have developed more than 60 different single purpose machines for various industrial branches. The majority of these machines are currently in operation outside the Czech Republic.

he company HS Maschinenbau s.r.o. is a manufacturer of single purpose machines. This includes machines for the production of pencils, paint brushes with wooden handles, woodworking machinery, assembly and packing machines. Most of these machines are operated with programming robots and some include CNC control. All of these machines have been developed by our design department. We have been constructing these machines for our customers across the world and we are able to adjust requirements to their very special needs. All our machines comply with the safety requirements of the country where the machine is intended to be operated. Machines delivered to countries which are members of the European Union have all safety risks evaluated and they bear the CE marking. Our engineers have developed more than 60 different single purpose machines for various industrial branches and our company has produced more than 100 to date. You can see some of the machines in our catalogue.
Katalog_HSMaschinenbau_2017.pdf (Czech version)
Catalogue_HSMaschinenbau_2017.pdf (English version)

HS Maschinenbau

HS Maschinenbau

HS Maschinenbau
HS Maschinenbau

HS Maschinenbau

HS Maschinenbau

HS Maschinenbau
HS Maschinenbau s.r.o.
U Sudárny 434
373 41 Hluboká nad Vltavou
+420 387 030 836
Jednatel společnosti
Walter Heinz Schuhmann
Obchodní informace
IČO: 251 84 415
DIČ: CZ 251 84 415
Registr. u Krajského soudu České Budějovice
Vložka do OR-oddíl C č. 8278
Ekonomické oddělení
Lenka Novotná
+420 387 020 836
Technical director
Pavel Šimek
+420 387 020 834
+420 724 139 347
Projektový manager
Bc. Radek Kreps
+420 387 020 462
Konstrukční oddělení
Jiří Svoboda
+420 387 020 833
Vladislav Podzemský
+420 387 020 837
Pavel Žák
+420 387 020 837
Jakub Režný - Elektroprojektant
+420 724 668 343